I have so far completed 7 out of the 8 weeks so far. I have written 8 posts in the 8 week period. So far I have recieved 0 comments at the moment but hoping I can get some. The post I  most enjoyed was probably the emoji one because it was fun to talk about my dog.  The tools I used the most to make my blog creative was bold and italic just because its the way it looks cool to me and it looks fancy.  My plans for the blog will probably be taking a break for a little becuase no one really looks at my blog or comments on it so it seems pointless.

My life at home SBC6

My life at home consists of getting up and doing my homework. Every day I get about 6 and et breakfast and then I brush my teeth and start homework and keep doing that until about 12:30. Around 12:30 I eat lunch and then I take a break. Then I go on about an hour bike ride then come home and start more homew0rk. Then about 3 i finish up homework and go to the skatepark for a couple of hours then io come home eat dinner and watch movies for a little bit. Then I get a midnight snack and watch movies for a little bit. Then i turn my tv off and start my Alexa and listen to music until i fall asleep. Thats what my day consists of.

My dogs life in emojis SBC7

My dog doesn’t do much. On a normal dat she eats breakfast a sleeps all day until dinner. Then I take her on a night run and that’s when she gets her exercise and mine too. Then she usually watches a movie with me before I fall asleep and when I fall asleep I have no idea what she does at nigh. most likely she sleeps but I’m not sure. On a weekend she usually jumps in our pool and goes swimming and sometimes I go with her but not all the time because its tool cold and I don’t like the cold.

Planting Trees SBC5

We can help our environment by planting more trees.  By planting trees we are providing oxygen for our planet.  Planting trees also provides homes for animals in the wild such as birds, squirrels and other woodland creatures.  Below are some more examples of what planting tress can do:

  1.  Provide jobs (construction workers, paper for books)
  2.  Provide shade so less use with air conditioners
  3.  Trees can trap pollen and other pollutants to keep them out of our air
  4.  Can make people feel better by seeing pretty sceanary

Overall, trees are essential for our planet and the people and animals that live on it.

Spring Break

We are on spring break until March 30th. We will participate in the Student blogging challenge when we return.

About me SBC1

My name is Ry. I’m a middle schooler. I live in the California bay area. I ride dirt bikes, play soccer, sometimes baseball, and ride my scooter. My school interests are math. I have four cats and 2 dogs. I have 1 sister and two brothers. My natural weekend day consists of scootering, riding dirt bikes, and play with my dogs.



My Dirt bike race WP1

My race went decent i didn’t get a good start. I made a few passes that got me up to 5th then i got stuck with a bunch of people and ended up in 30th. Then i made a couple of sketchy passes and worked my way up to 7th coming into check. Going out for my second lap i was going up a hill then i hit a rock and got thrown off the bike  and hurt my knee, then i was in pain the rest of the race. When i came in for my third lap i didn’t even realize i was in 3rd. Then about half way through the third lap i was going up a hill then the worst thing happened to me.